What is Ransomware 

Ransomware is a type of sophisticated Malware which has been created for a specific purpose. If this Malware gets loaded in our computer system, then in a few seconds it will encrypt or lock all the files and documents and also prevent us from running our system. It is known that it comes to our computer or mobile only through Spam links or Email. 

Types of Ransomware 

If seen in today's era, these are mainly of two types. Which these attackers use to fulfill their purpose. 


This is a special type of Ransomware which has been created using Advanced Encryption Algorithms. It has been made in such a way that it will completely encrypt your machine in no time. And it is almost impossible to open it without Encryption Key. 


This type of Ransomware is very dangerous which locks a user from running his own system. They directly lock the Operating System of your Computer System. So that you cannot access any Apps or other programs. Files are not encrypted here, but attackers demand money to open the computer. Even in the new version of some Lockers, the MBR (Master Boot Record) of the system is also locked. For your information, let me tell you that MBR is that section of Hard Drive which helps the Operating System to start. And if there is no booting then the computer cannot start at all. And during this, some messages flash in the screen, in which there is mention of giving money. How Ransomware Works First of all, the one who is targeted receives an email in which a malicious link is hidden, and if that user opens that link, then a small program is automatically downloaded. 

• Another way is if the user is viewing a malicious website and downloads something that he does not know about, even then Ransomware can enter your system from there. 

• • The downloader from which the user has downloaded that program is designed in such a way that it sends requests to a list of Domains or C&C Servers so that someone can download an advanced Ransomware program. After this the contacted C&C Servers respond and send the requested items. 

• After that the malware starts its work and encrypts the entire disk like personal files, some of your sensitive information and many more. And get a pop up show in the screen that your data has been locked and to open it a Decryption Key is needed which can be found in exchange of money. And in this way they express their control over your system, and you cannot do anything. 

NOTE. Ransomware is platform independent which means that they can attack any system like a computer, mobile, tablet or any server. 

How to Prevent Ransomware Attacks 

1. Monitor Your Personal Computer Do not keep your important data in PC Keep backup of your data as much as possible both online and offline Do not always turn on Online Backup by default, turn it on only when you use it. Sync your data once a day. Always keep your software updated, even use the latest Security Updates. Do not use Outdated softwares and plugins. Use Ad-Blocker to avoid unwanted Malicious Ads. More about this source text 

 2. Pay attention to online behavior Do not open email from any unknown sender. Do not download the attachment of Spam Emails. Do not click on the links of Malicious Website. Always use good AntiVirus Program and update it from time to time. 

Ransomware Malware Attack Prevention Tips 

1. Keep a backup of your data The first thing you have to remember is to back up your data as much as possible. Whatever your important documents are, keep them safe in cloud storage and external storage device. It would be best to use features like Best Google Drive, One Drive to keep Online Backup. 

2. Change Anti-spam settings Most Ransomware Malwares are sent via email in .exe, .vbs, or .scr files. As soon as a user opens that file, his computer gets hacked. Remember to change the Antispam setting of your Antivirus and set up to send various types of file extensions to spam. This will prevent virus and spam emails from reaching your inbox. 

3. Do not open useless files in email Do not download or open any unknown file online on your email or any website. There is a danger of getting Ransomware Virus in that too. Also, never click on the links given in the emails which contain information related to banking and business which seem like spam. Read carefully before clicking on anything or send that mail to spam if it is spam. 

4. Keep updating the necessary software's of your computer 

• Always keep updating some important software's of your computer. Keep the following software's on auto-update 

• Operating System

 • Antivirus

 • Web Browsers 

• Adobe Flash Players

 • Java Versions 

5. Switch Off The Computer If you feel that some things are getting hacked with your computer or some unknown error messages are coming, then disconnect your computer's Internet Service and turn off the computer as well. This will save your important information from being hacked to some extent. Keep one thing in mind that sometimes there are some ransomware malware attacks which once penetrate into your OS infect the entire computer even after turning off the internet. 

6. Keep VSSAdmin.exe disabled VSSAdmin.exe is such a feature in the Windows computer that every day a copy of your files is saved in the system (Shadow Volume Copies) even if you are working in that file or even delete it. Through Restore files, any user can also find their deleted files again. Hackers know everything about this VSSAdmin.exe file, so they make their virus in such a way that it first deletes your Shadow Volume Copies. Due to this, you are not able to retrieve the copy of the hacked data again in any way. 

7. Always keep your Windows Firewall Turned on so that it works properly. The job of Firewall in every computer is to check the traffic coming and going on the Internet. This filters out malicious software and the firewall does not allow them to run. It also confirms which network is trusted and which is untrusted. 

8. Install some better Security Software's in your system which can also read .zip, .rar file . Today almost all major OS like Windows and Mac have their own security software's like Windows Defender and Mac Security. This service is easily capable of scanning the virus inside the zip folder to some extent.



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