All About Ethical Hacking.


The word 'Ethical' means Legal. Ethical hacking is an authorized practice of detecting vulnerabilities in an application, system, or organization’s infrastructure and bypassing system security to identify potential data breaches and threats in a network. Ethical Hackers aim to investigate the system or network for weak points that malicious hackers can exploit or destroy. They collect and analyze the information to figure out ways to strengthen the security of the system/network/applications. By doing so,  they can improve the security footprint so that it can better withstand attacks or divert them.

Types of Ethical Hacking

  1. Web Application hacking: Web hacking is the process of exploiting software over HTTP by exploiting the software’s visual chrome browser, meddling with the URL, or colluding with HTTP aspects not stored in the URL.
  2. System Hacking: Hacktivists gain access to personal computers over a network through system hacking. Password busting, privilege escalation, malicious software construction, and packet sniffing are the defensive measures that IT security experts can use to combat these threats.
  3. Web Server Hacking: An application software database server generates web information in real-time. So attackers use Gluing, ping deluge, port scan, sniffing attacks, and social engineering techniques to grab credentials, passcodes, and company information from the web application.
  4. Hacking Wireless networks: Because wireless networks use radio waves to transmit, a hacker can easily squirt the system from either a location nearby. To discover the Identifier and badge a wireless network, often these assailants use network snorting.
  5. Social Engineering: The art of manipulating the masses so that they divulge sensitive information is known as social engineering. Eugenics is used by criminals since it is generally easier to attack your organic hard time trusting than it is to figure out how to spoof your device.  

Types Of Ethical Hacker

Hackers can be classified into different categories such as white hat, black hat, and grey hat, based on their intent of hacking a system. These different terms come from old Spaghetti Westerns, where the bad guy wears a black cowboy hat and the good guy wears a white hat.
  • White Hat Hackers

White Hat hackers are also known as Ethical Hackers. They never intent to harm a system, rather they try to find out weaknesses in a computer or a network system as a part of penetration testing and vulnerability assessments.

                   Ethical hacking is not illegal and it is one of the demanding jobs available in the IT industry. There are numerous companies that hire ethical hackers for penetration testing and vulnerability assessments.

  • Black Hat Hackers

Black Hat hackers, also known as crackers, are those who hack in order to gain unauthorized access to a system and harm its operations or steal sensitive information.

                 Black Hat hacking is always illegal because of its bad intent which includes stealing corporate data, violating privacy, damaging the system, blocking network communication, etc.

  • Grey Hat Hackers

Grey hat hackers are a blend of both black hat and white hat hackers. They act without malicious intent but for their fun, they exploit a security weakness in a computer system or network without the owner’s permission or knowledge.

                  Their intent is to bring the weakness to the attention of the owners and getting appreciation or a little bounty from the owners.

Difference Between Ethical Hacker and Unethical/Malicious Hacker

Parameter                   Ethical Hacking                                 Unethical Hacking
INTENTION                  An ethical hacker would strike a company's              An unethical hacker targets a network, 
                                     network for all the right reasons, such as                  system or app to collect personal 
                                     detecting and repairing security flaws to                   information from users and may delete,  
                                     protect the system, evaluating a company's             change or remove a corporation's                                                                                                                                   record. They intend to steal your data.
                                     security procedure and quality standards                  .
                                     and ensuring the data protection policies of 
                                     an organization. 
LEGALITY                    Ethical Hacking is authorized and permitted            Hacking is when you access a company's
                                     by the firm and it is fully legal. Ethical Hackers        network or technology without their
                                     are covered by an agreement. This, in fact is          knowledge or approval. It is entirely                                                                                                                                illegal        
                                     one of the highest-paying careers today.                 and anyone found guilty faces serious
                                                                                                                      legal consequences.
COMPENSATION         Although an ethical hacker may operate alone        A hacker or cyber attacker might be a 
                                     or as part of the cyber security team of a                 single person, a community or a government-
                                     company, they are a full-time employee. In              sponsored cyber hacking squad. In either case 
                                     return for his efforts in safeguarding the firm's         a hacker is looking to make money by unlawfully 
                                     data, they are guaranteed pay and all                     obtaining confidential material and marketing it or
                                     incentives.                                                                simply using your credit card information.
TOOLS                         They use the same tool as the hackers to               They use the same tools as ethical hackers 
                                     penetrate the system and seal the explored            to exploit the vulnerabilities.
TRAINING                    Ethical Hackers receive the same fundam-              Deep knowledge of networking, a thorough
                                     ental training as hackers. After gaining some           understanding of operating systems, a firm 
                                     practical experience, you can pursue                       grip over network security control and knowledge  
                                     certifications such as the Certified Ethical                of programming language such as Python,
                                     Hacker (CEH) and work as an ethical hacker.          Javascript, C and C++ are some of the skills
                                                                                                                       needed to be a hacker.
PROFESSIONAL         Unlike black hat hacking, ethical hacking is a           A black hat hacker has no legit professional
DEVELOPMENT          highly sought-after career with excellent pay.           development. Instead, the individual is 
                                     After acquiring your entry-level job, you can             always at risk of being caught by the law.
                                     put yourself up for even more sophisticated
                                     computer security tasks like senior penetration
                                     tester or network administrator in a business.


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