What is Ransomware Ransomware is a type of sophisticated Malware which has been created for a specific purpose. If this Malware gets loaded in our computer system, then in a few seconds it will encrypt or lock all the files and documents and also prevent us from running our system. It is known that it comes to our computer or mobile only through Spam links or Email. Types of Ransomware If seen in today's era, these are mainly of two types. Which these attackers use to fulfill their purpose. Encryptors This is a special type of Ransomware which has been created using Advanced Encryption Algorithms. It has been made in such a way that it will completely encrypt your machine in no time. And it is almost impossible to open it without Encryption Key. Lockers This type of Ransomware is very dangerous which locks a user from running his own system. They directly lock the Operating System of your Computer System. So that you cannot access any Apps...